Counseling and Support Services are Available in Pinellas County
Empath Health Community Counseling provides supportive counseling services for anyone experiencing the loss of a loved one or during times of serious illness. These services are available as early as the time of diagnosis, through the duration of the illness and the grieving process.
Individual Counseling
Grief can be as individual as the person experiencing it, so a one-size-fits-all approach to providing comfort isn’t effective. Meet one-on-one with a licensed counselor at one of our community service centers. In addition, we offer support programs for children who have lost a loved one or to families who have lost a child.
We offer customized grief support groups on-going throughout the year that may not be listed. Please call us for a complete list of available group grief support groups (727) 523-3451.
Suicide and Trauma
The death of a loved one due to a suicide or traumatic event can be especially difficult. Empath Health is here for you. We can help you, your family, friends and the community begin to heal with our community counseling and bereavement programs. No one grieves the same or for the same amount of time. Grief can occur and reoccur at any stage of life.
Empath Health offers specialized sessions for children, teens and adults with licensed counselors at our three community service centers located in St. Petersburg, Clearwater and Palm Harbor.
Community Memorial Services
Empath Health staff and community members hold memorial services throughout the year to remember friends and loved ones. Our services are nondenominational and take place at various locations throughout Pinellas County. Please visit our events calendar for a schedule of upcoming memorial services.
Empath Community Counseling
Empath Health can help you sort through your emotions and find the support you need to get through such transitions with peace and hope for the future. You may find comfort through one-on-one counseling or a support group with people who may share similar experiences and feelings. Our grief and healing support services are available to anyone in our community affected by a sudden, traumatic death. Death and grief can come at any age and in many forms. Together, we can help you develop coping strategies following the traumatic death of a loved one – child or adult.
- Counselors who specialize in traumatic and complex grief in both adults and children
- Counseling and support for grieving children and their family
- Individual and group counseling following the death of a loved one
- Suicide and sudden loss
- Support for those suffering the loss of a baby before or after birth
- Crisis intervention
Services are provided by licensed therapists who specialize in grief related issues for both adults and children with special training for unexpected traumatic loss such as homicide, suicide, accidental death or medical event. The intake process is very simple and requires the caller to provide some basic demographic information. The intake specialist will also discuss the affordable fee schedule with you and make the arrangements for the next available appointment with a counselor.
Please call (727) 523-3451 for more information about individual counseling.